The 28 Day Spring Fitness JumpStart Challenge Only $199  $147!!
✅ 3 fat burning, muscle building, 30 minute small group training sessions each week so you can feel strong again.

✅ A custom meal plan designed around your body, your goals, and incorporating what and when you like to eat, so it's YOUR plan, not A plan.

✅​ Start and end the program with an Inbody 570 Scan, the industry leading machine for measuring body composition to track your progress. 

✅ A weekly accountability coaching call to make sure you're finishing each week on track, making progress, and we're adjusting nutrition as needed.  

✅ A $52 discount so that it works for everyone's budget and you still have money left over for gas. 

✅ Two start dates: Monday the 14th or Monday the 21st!

Ian Weinberg, 

I can't wait to start getting you results right away! Your welcome video with next steps is waiting for you on the other side! The healthier you is waiting!
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$147 plus sales tax

ONE TIME OFFER: Grab my Habit Tracker Guide, normally $29.99 for JUST $9.99! This is the perfect accessory to any new fitness program as it covers everything you need to make real, lasting change with your habits! This 20 page mini-book includes the strategies, journal, checklist, and resources you need to create new healthy habits and ditch the old ones.

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